Sunday, October 8, 2017

Operation Serena Shim - #OpSerenaShim #SerenaShim #Justic4Serena

Upcoming Tweetstorms: Oct. 10 & Oct. 19 (2017)
Storm Hashtag: #WhoMurderedSerenaShim

Anonymous is gathering to give remembrance to the brave Serena Shim. Serena Shim was a war correspondent for Press TV. At the time of her death, she was uncovering explosive evidence of aid to ISIL forces in Kobani by NATO.


You heard us right.

Aid, to ISIL, by NATO.

She died, under very suspicious circumstances, just before she could release her story.

She was known internationally as a reporter with true integrity and true grit. She was also a devoted mother, sister, and daughter.

Her family still grieves with no closure.

She gave all so that we could have the truth.

In addition, several reporters who have attempted to follow up on her story have died under mysterious circumstances.

Anonymous has taken up her cause because we are moved by her courage, her valor, and her absolute refusal to back down, even in the face of threats and adversity. She was a true journalist and a true hero. She has also been ignored by the U.S. Government and the western media. Could this have something to do with the evidence she was about to produce for the world?

Anonymous believes that it does.

Anonymous believes that the information she was uncovering may also have something to do with the threats, cyber attacks, and unprecedented censorship that this particular operation faces.

On May 1, an international day of protest, Anonymous is taking to the streets in order to call attention to the mysterious death of Serena Shim, and to her unfinished work. This is in preparation for a major release by Operation Serena Shim that will be carried out on October 19, the two year anniversary of Serena Shim’s murder.

Believe us, the release on October 19th will be huge and we need the eyes of the world upon us at that time

Small, theatrical guerrilla protests are being planned in major cities around the world on May 1. Join us. A small group, or even one person with a mask and a sign, can draw a lot of attention with a little creativity and spirit. We call upon you to exercise your creativity and spirit and get our message out in your own way. Tweet pictures, videos, and reports of your actions to @OperationSerena on that day and we will share them with all of our followers.

Let us be perfectly honest: Operation Serena Shim is not an operation that will be concluded quickly and easily. If what you seek from your support of Anonymous operations is instant gratification, this operation is not for you. There is simply too much censorship that we have to find ways around in order to carry this through quickly.

But if you seek to put in real effort, and to ultimately strike a real blow at the very heart of the beast that Anonymous fights on all fronts, then Operation Serena Shim has been waiting for you and your support.

It is our hope that you will join us on May 1 to support Operation Serena Shim and the family of Serena Shim, and to join in the difficult fight for truth and justice.

We are Anonymous.

We are legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forgive.

We are patient, steadfast, and determined.

Expect us.

Alternative News Feed